National Advocacy

Marie Lakey • 22 March 2021

As the peak body for this dynamic and emerging sector, the Coalition for Community Energy sees advocacy as core to our role and work. We collaborate with other groups and aligned organisations to foster policy that reflects the climate ambitions of communities. 

Here you will find recent and historical advocacy materials for the community energy sector and movement. These materials include submissions made to Federal and State Governments, articles, policy briefings and other relevant documents. Feel free to use these documents as a guide for your own advocacy efforts. The Policy and Advocacy Group on this site is a place where you can share your own work.

Federal Advocacy and Policy

Local Power Plan 

The Local Power Plan, facilitated by Federal MP Helen Haines, is a blueprint for how communities can benefit from and participate in the shift to local, cheap renewables. The plan contains details on three schemes that would support communities to develop their own projects, underwrite mid-scale projects and enable local communities to co-invest in new large-scale projects. 

RePower Our Communities

Is a new campaign from Community Power Agency and Farmers for Climate Action, seeking to grow support for the Local Power Plan and the shift to community renewables.

Zero Carbon Communities 

This article from Taryn Lane, General Manager of Hepburn Wind and a Director of the Coalition for Community Energy, looks at the big picture context for climate action and international examples of net-zero communities. The article offers insights from the Australian context and specific policy recommendations for Federal and State Governments.

The Climate Bills

Independent Zali Steggall championed a set of Climate Change Bills in 2020 that looked to create a legal framework to systemically tackle climate change in Australia. You can read the main Bill here. The Bill looks to establish an independent Climate Change Commisson, a net zero emissions target for 2050 and much more. You can view our submission below.

  • 2020 Coalition for Community Energy, Submission on Climate Change Bills 2020: here
  • Coalition for Community Energy, CE Policy and Advocacy Group, Submission template and advice: here
  • Zali Steggal's bill summary can be viewed: here

Energy Security Board 

The Energy Security Board has proposed reforms to the electricity market to improve its functioning post 2025. These reforms fall under several areas including resource adequacy, retiring thermal generation, essential system services, valuing demand flexibility and integrating DER and more. The Coalition for Community energy completed a submission to the Energy Security Board which you can view below.

  • 2020 Coalition for Community Energy, Submission to the Energy Security Board: here
  • Coaltion for Community Energy, CE Policy and Advocacy Group, Submission template and advice: here

Renewable Energy Target Review

The Renewable Energy Target Review was undertaken in 2014 by the Coalition Government. This non-statutory review led to the cutting of the Renewable Energy Target, which decreased confidence in the renewable energy sector and created substantial risk for community energy organisations. You can read the Hepburn Wind submission below.

  • 2014 Hepburn Wind, Submission to the Renewable Energy Target Review: here

Inquiry into Co-operative, Mutual and Member-owned Firms

The 2015 Inquiry into co-operative, mutual and member-owned firms sought to consider the role, importance, and overall performance of these structures in the Australian economy. As many community energy organisations adopt a co-operative model the Community Power Agency made a submission on their importance and value.

  • 2015 Community Power Agency, Submission to the inquiry into co-operative, mutual and member-owned firms: here

State-based Campaigns 

Multiple States

Solar for All 

35% of Australians are unable to install solar because they rent, live in an apartment, have a shady roof or can’t afford the upfront cost. To solve this problem, the Community Power Agency campaigned for Solar Gardens to help everyone access the benefits of solar.

  • Community Power Agency, Solar For All: here 

South Australia

South Australian Energy Security Target

The South Australian Energy Security Target was a proposal in 2017, stemming from the SA blackouts to stimulate the roll-out of on-demand clean energy while increasing affordability and system stability. After conducting this review and receiving substantial critiques of the target design, it didn’t progress. 

  • 2017 Solar Citizens, ConservationSA, the Australian Conservation Foundation and GetUp South Australian Government’s Energy Security Target Submission: here


Community Energy Target 

This campaign is seeking to secure a Victorian target for community-owned mid-scale generators that would be delivered with a financial mechanism such as a Feed-in-Tariff. Calls for this target are also included in the VRET II Submission and the Parliamentary Inquiry into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities.

  • 2021 Coalition for Community and Yes 2 Renewables, Community Energy Target petition: here


The Victorian Renewable Energy Target has involved several consultation processes to inform its design, implementation and modification. Below are a number of submissions that relate to either the target or the policy mechanism used to deliver it, reverse auctions.

  • 2015 Coalition for Community Energy and Community Power Agency, Briefing Paper Community Energy and Reverse Auctions: here
  • 2016 Community Power Agency, Solar Citizens, GetUp, SolarShare, Moreland Community Solar, Yarra Community Solar & the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, Submission to the Victorian Renewable Energy Auction Scheme Consultation: here
  • 2020 Coalition for Community Energy, Submission VRET II: here
  • Coalition for Community Energy, CE Policy and Advocacy Group, Submission: here

Parliamentary Inquiry into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities

The Inquiry into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities sought to capture what urban, rural and regional communities in Victoria have been doing to tackle climate change and how the Victorian Government could support these communities. 

  • 2020 Environment and Planning Committee, Inquiry into tackling climate change in Victorian communities final report: here
  • 2019 Hepburn Wind, Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities: here
  • 2020 Coalition for Community Energy, Summary of the report: see file attached below

Parliamentary Inquiry into Community Energy Projects

The Inquiry into Community Energy Projects considered how best to support the role of communities in the Victorian energy economy. Several organisations made submissions to the inquiry committee highlighting the needs of community energy groups and the opportunities in this sector. 

  • 2019 Coalition for Community Energy, Parliamentary Inquiry in Community Energy: here
  • 2019 Hepburn Wind, Parliamentary Inquiry into Community Energy Projects: here
  • 2020 Parliament of Victoria, Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into tackling climate change in Victorian communities final report: here 

C4CE's Policy and Advocacy Group

Please share your own advocacy efforts by posting in the policy and advocacy group linked below. We may be able to co-brand and endorse your work if it looks to benefit the community energy sector. Please contact us via the group.

  • Policy and Advocacy Group, Join the group and share your work: here