The Energy Security Board anticipates the electricity market will need to function quite differently post 2025 and so have proposed a number of reforms under each of the following workstreams:
- Resource adequacy
- Retiring thermal generation
- Essential system services
- Scheduling and ahead mechanism
- Two sided markets
- Valuing demand flexibility and integrating DER
- Transmission access and coordination of investment
(see ESB consultation process here)
C4CE have advocated for greater involvement of the community energy sector by highlighting that community energy:
- Unlocks benefits that communities want
- Creates the space for community participation in energy decision making
- Delivers benefits that markets cannot
- Will realise its potential with greater government and energy sector support
(see our submission here) It is necessarily high level - rather than argue about detail, we are aiming to get our foot in the door.
We've created this google doc so that any community energy groups can engage with this process and add their own thoughts.
Please add you name, organisation and logo in support of the C4CE submission. We invite you to also add your own comments.