Financial help for bulk-buy programs

Donna Luckman • 20 May 2020

Author: Sarah Morton

You can usually get financial help with installing solar power and solar water heating (SWH), in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). You may also be eligible for a rebate on your SWH installations (including heat pump water heaters), and other types of government help.

1. Renewable Energy Certificates

For the purpose of RECs, solar power and solar water heating, including heat pump water heaters, generate Small-Scale Technologies certificates (STCs). STCs are created for eligible installations of solar water heaters, air source heat pumps and small generation units (small-scale solar panels, wind and hydro-electricity systems). One STC is generally equivalent to:

  • 1 MWh of renewable electricity generated by a small generation unit, or
  • 1 MWh of electricity deemed to be displaced by the installation of solar water heaters or air source heat pumps.

For more information go to the Clean Energy Regulator website.

2. Government Rebates 

Rebates are available for some hot water, solar systems and batteries - these depend on the system, what type of system it’s replacing and which state you live in. Government programs frequently change so check with your state government department for more information.

3. Other government help

Feed-in tariffs for solar power

Many state governments have legislated a premium feed-in tariff for solar power systems. This means they pay eligible owners of solar power systems a premium rate for some or all of the power their system produces. This money is generally credited through your household electricity bill. 

4. Point-of-sale discounts

Some suppliers provide point-of-sale discounts in return for the rights to the RECs. This means the customer pays the system price, minus the value of the RECs, instead of paying the full amount and seeking reimbursement (by selling the REC) after the installation. This may be a service your bulk-buy group participants are interested in - particularly considering the sums of money involved.