Mt Alexander Sustainability Group — VIC

Donna Luckman • 20 May 2020

MASG Community Renewables promotes community-owned and operated renewable energy projects. Among other projects, the community renewables project has provided an assessment of natural assets in the Baringhup area that may support renewable energy options, and conducted a pre-feasibility study of the southern industrial precinct of Castlemaine, to investigate BioEnergy possibilities.

MASG’s 2015 ‘Waste to Energy’ pre-feasibility study has investigated bio energy opportunities at the dually located Castlemaine Land Fill Station and Sewerage Treatment Facility.

The project goals were as follows:

  • Identify and map waste streams
  • Assess current energy use profiles
  • Propose opportunities most likely to provide a reliable and commercially attractive outcome.
  • The study has identified three possible renewable energy projects: bio-digester, gas from landfill, and bio-char/heating. With bio-digester and gas from landfill options recommended to proceed to a full feasibility study stage.

The community will be invited to be owner-investors and economic benefits will stay local via returns on investment and a new community grants fund.

The project is initiated and led by local people.

More Information

Download the MASG Study’s here:

Stage 1 Castlemaine Waste-to-Energy Pre-Feasibility Executive Summary 2015

Baringhup Renewable Energy Opportunities 2015